DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2016-2-22-273-286

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About the Author

V. B. Kalmanova

Federal state budgetary institution of science Institute for complex analysis of regional problems Feb RAS
Russian Federation

Laboratory of Regional Geoecology, researcher, Ph.D

Birobidzhan, 670000, Russian Federation


With account of perspective tendencies of formation and development of the cities at the southern part of the Russian Far East, and the formation of their ecological stability, the functional and planning structure for determining the landscaping of the urban land is analyzed. Historical mechanisms of the functional and planning structure forming in Birobidzhan are examined. Its main environmental features are analysed. Approaches to formation of the ecologically stable residential environment are described taking into account actual tasks of an urban development. The ratio of the built-up and undeveloped land, presence of green zones and sanitary buffer are the main indicators of ecologican stability of the residential environment. Effective usage of urban land is proposed.


functional and planning structure, urban land, ecological planning, the Far East, Birobidzhan.


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For citation: Kalmanova V.B. ECOLOGICAL FEATURES OF FUNCTIONAL AND PLANNING STRUCTURE OF MEDIUM- AND SMALL-SIZED CITIES AT THE SOUTHERN FAR EAST (EXEMPLIFIED BY BIROBIDZHAN). Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2016;22(2):273–286 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2016-2-22-273-286 (in Russian)