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About the Authors
I. K. Lurie
Russian Federation
Faculty of Geography, Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics, head, professor, Doctor of Geography
Moscow, 119991, Russia
E. A. Prokhorova
Russian Federation
Faculty of Geography, Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics, associate professor, PhD
Moscow, 119991, Russia
V. N. Semin
Russian Federation
Faculty of Geography, Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics, scientific assistant
Moscow, 119991, Russia
M. A. Sakirkina
Russian Federation
Faculty of Geography, Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics, PhD student
Moscow, 119991, Russia
In 2011, the area of Moscow, one of the largest urbanized megacomplexes, increased by more than 1440 km2 due to the accession of the Troitsky and Novomoskovsky аutonomous districts. That called for conducting detailed comprehensive environmental-geographical research, integrated assessment of the lands state of the annexed territories and the corresponding cartographic support to maintain further socio-economic development of the area. In the same 2011, at Lomonosov Moscow State University, MSU Geoportal started working as a new instrument of collective access and processing of spatial data to provide innovative research and educational activities with relevant materials of remote sensing data of the Earth and analytical tools for conducting geographic data analysis in the Geoportal environment. Cartographic support of the «New Moscow» project has been realized by means of collection, processing and systematization of geo-spatial data, formation of a geo-data bank and a series of thematic maps, created on its basis. It has been decided to develop Web GIS software by creating a geo-resource on the existed MSU Geoportal, which main purpose is forming the information and cartographic support for the New Moscow territories, based on the profound study of different components of the environment and affecting factors. The realization of this project has required the creation of a few dozens of maps for the comprehensive ecological and geographical assessment of the lands of the new annexed territories because of their status, economic and socio-geographical state changes.
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For citation: Lurie I.K., Prokhorova E.A., Semin V.N., Sakirkina M.A. WEB GIS SUPPORT OF ENVIRONMENTAL-GEOGRAPHICAL ASSESSMENT OF LAND RESOURCES IN THE NEW MOSCOW TERRITORY. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2016;22(2):216–226 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2016-2-22-216-226 (in Russian)