DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2016-2-22-112-124

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About the Authors

A. N. Makhinov

IWEP FEB RAS Pacific State University
Russian Federation

Vice-Director on Science Matters, D. Geogr., Prof. Dep. of engineering systems and technosphere safety

Khabarovsk, Russia

A. F. Makhinova

Russian Federation

senior researcher, Soil Ecology Laboratory

Khabarovsk, Russia


The paper presents landscape and geochemical characteristics, as well as identifies the sources of pollution of soil and surface watercourses in the Conder mining field, located in the extreme natural conditions. Chemical elements migration mechanisms and factors are described. Spatial heterogeneity of concentrations of chemical elements is considered as a function of element migration activity within organo-mineral complexes. The authors also analyze the state and regularities of natural and anthropogenic soil structures; show the role of natural and anthropogenic factors in the formation of water quality; investigate the conditions of the elements migration in the surface waters of different origin; formulate key principles of natural resource management, environmentally adapted to mountain specifics of northern regions of the Far East.


chemical pollution, landscapes, migration activity


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For citation: Makhinov A.N., Makhinova A.F. ANALYSIS OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS OF LANDSCAPES UNDER MINING DEVELOPMENT IN PRIOKHOTJE: ASSESSMENT METHODS AND MAPPING. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2016;22(2):112–124 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2016-2-22-112-124 (in Russian)