DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2016-2-22-19-27

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About the Author

M. R. Arpentieva

K.E. Tsiolkovski Kaluga State University Psychological Institute
Russian Federation

development and education psychology chair, researcher, professor

Kaluga, 248013, Russia


This paper analyzes the features of intersubjective technology governance. Intersubjective technologies of the state management usually refers to a particular perception of the aims and means management. Discusses the distinctive features and advantages of intersubjective technology governance, formulated on the basis evergetical model of governance. It is noted that polylogical or multi-factorial, a fully decentralized network management and training, other spheres of human life are superior in speed and quality of decisions monologue: the involvement of citizens including civil society to control state can not only reduce tensions between classes and groups, guiding and monolith citizens, but also with time to abandon the usual forms of government in favor of intersubjective control. Evergetics comes from the «superposition» of subject and object management, the «heterogeneity» of the communities and actors, and as researchers and as subjects involved in the decision-making entity and creates, and knows the world: the actor is «inside» the object (society) and communicates with other actors in General for their bad life situations. Submission evergetics on productivity on multi-agent and multi-actor management technologies can serve as the basis for building typology and the development of common intersubjective scheme of government.


intersubjective technology, public administration, multiactor management, monoactor management.


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For citation: Arpentieva M.R. INTERSUBJECTIVE TECHNOLOGIES OF THE STATE MANAGEMENT. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2016;22(2):19–27 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2016-2-22-19-27 (in Russian)