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About the Authors
G. A. Baimaganbetova
Russian Federation
Faculty of Geography
E. I. Golubeva
Russian Federation
Faculty of Geography
Astana – a city in which only formed a green frame, the value of which is very large, but has not studied. On the eve of the world exhibition EXPO-2017 to be held in Astana, the study of green frame becomes even more urgent, since green spaces must comply with international standards and to fulfill not only the environmental function, but have aesthetic and landscape-recreational attraction. Purpose – analysis of the formation of green frame the city of Astana. To achieve the goal the following tasks: 1) Determine the trend of green areas Astana on satellite images; 2) Calculate the NDVI to assess the formation of a green carcass; 3) Carry out a comparative analysis of the administrative districts of Astana on the structure of the green frame.
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For citation: Baimaganbetova G.A., Golubeva E.I. SATELLITE IMAGES FOR MAPPING AND MONITORING OF GREEN FRAME OF THE CITY OF ASTANA. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2016;22(1):370–380 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2016-1-22-370-380 (in Russian)