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About the Author
M. Lacroix
Université Pierre et Marie Curie
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
METIS Department
Paris, France. 1Spatial, Arcueil
Two years ago, 63 people died and more than 150 were seriously injured in Beijing (China) because of damage to a hydrocarbon pipeline. Urban networks are invisible because usually buried between 1 and 1,5 meters underground. They should be identified to prevent such accidents which involve workers as well as the public. Rural and urban districts, network concessionaries and contractors: everyone could benefit from their networks becoming safer. To prevent such accidents and protect workers and the public as well, some new regulations propose to identify and secure the buried networks. That’s why it is important to develop a software which deals with the risk management process and also about the risk visualization. This work is structured around three major sections:
– the utility of the Geographical Information to determine the minimal distances and the topological relations between the networks themselves, and also with the other element in their vicinity;
– the use of some Artificial Intelligence tools, and more particularly of Expert System, to take the current regulation into account and determine the accident risk probability;
– the contribution of virtual reality to perceive the underground world.
– the utility of the Geographical Information to determine the minimal distances and the topological relations between the networks themselves, and also with the other element in their vicinity;
– the use of some Artificial Intelligence tools, and more particularly of Expert System, to take the current regulation into account and determine the accident risk probability;
– the contribution of virtual reality to perceive the underground world.
Geographical Information, Risk cartography, Underground networks, Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality visualization
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For citation: Lacroix M. THE INTEREST OF GEOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND VIRTUAL REALITY FOR THE UNDERGROUND NETWORK REPRESENTATION. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2016;22(1):189–198 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2016-1-22-5-7