DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2016-1-22-94-105

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About the Authors

A. D. Kitov

Sochava Institute of Geography SB RAS
Russian Federation

V. M. Plyusnin

Sochava Institute of Geography SB RAS
Russian Federation


The paper presents the continuing research of the authors on mapping the nival-glacial formations of Southern Siberia and the establishment of relevant databases. We consider the state of glaciation from the middle of the last century up to the present time in various stages. Different glaciation states of Kodar Ridge were determined: (1) according to the first topographic maps at the beginning of 1960s years, (2) according to the Glacier Catalog of the USSR (in the early 1970s), (3) according to the Map of the glaciers of Kodar Ridge of the 1976 (research of the IGSFE Academy of Sciences of the USSR), and (4) the current state according to remote sensing of the Earth (space images of the 2007-2015 EROS, Quick Bird, Aster, Landsat). Attribute tables are presented in WEBGEO type format. Analysis of the data of different time state shows the dynamics of Kodar Ridge glaciation with the trend of glacier reduction by more than two times. We refined coordinates, area, shape, length, orientation and high-rise location of the preserved and degraded nival-glacial formations. The data and cartographic images of glacial objects specify and complete the international data base of glaciers.


Glaciers, Kodar Ridge, databases, GIS, remote sensing of the Earth


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For citation: Kitov A.D., Plyusnin V.M. INVENTORY nival-glacial FORMATIONS of the Kodar RIDGE (DATABASE). Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2016;22(1):94–105 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2016-1-22-94-105 (in Russian)