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About the Authors
S. V. Lebedev
Saint-Petersburg State University, St.-Petersburg, Russian
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
E. M. Nesterov
Herzen State University, St.-Petersburg, Russian
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
M. A. Kulkova
Herzen State University, St.-Petersburg, Russian
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
L. M. Zarina
Herzen State University, St.-Petersburg, Russian
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
This article is focused on methods of digital geoecological maps construction with using GIS ArcGIS technologies. The technique of GIS ArcGIS mapping is illustrated by examples of GIS maps of radioactive and chemical pollution in the snow cover on the territory of St. Petersburg’s (Russia). The geostatistic and deterministic approaches were applied for interpolation of input data. The input data were presented by the coordinates of points located on territory according to the scheme of measurements. The most optimal amount of classification intervals describing the natural processes and the phenomena of all-over distribution on the geoeclogical GIS maps is the 3–5 intervals of the parameter that will be considered. The borders of classes of intervals are set in depend on existing normative of pollution in different components of environment and empirical character of study parameter distribution on territory under consideration.
digital geoecological maps, GIS ArcGIS technologies, maps of radioactive and chemical pollution in the snow cover, statistical geoecological data manipulation
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For citation: Lebedev S.V., Nesterov E.M., Kulkova M.A., Zarina L.M. DIGITAL GEOECOLOGICAL MAPS AND SEVERAL METHODS OF ITS CONSTRUCTING IN A GIS ARCGIS. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2015;21:540–547 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2015-1-21-540-547 (in Russian)