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About the Authors
E. A. Panidi
Russian Federation
D. S. Efimov
Russian Federation
One of the key areas of Web geotechnology development is the implementation of software tools and systems, which are capable not only to display geospatial data in the Web interface, but also to provide functionality for processing and analysis directly in the browser window. Significant feature of current Web-based geo-spatial standards is the focusing on server-side data processing. Our study investigates possibilities and general ways of decentralized data processing implementation on the client side in the case of using the Java Web Start technology. The test software tools are developed that implements capability of transmitting the executable program code to the client computer through the Web interface and spatial data processing on the client side.
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For citation: Panidi E.A., Efimov D.S. USING OF THE CLIENT-SIDE COMPUTATIONS WHEN IMPLEMENTING WEB SERVICES FOR SPATIAL DATA PROCESSING, THE CASE STUDY OF JAVA WEB START TECHNOLOGY. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2015;21:485–491 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2015-1-21-485-491 (in Russian)