DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2013-1-19-120-128

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About the Authors

A. N. Ogurtsov

Faculty of geography and geoecology St-PSU Saint Petersburg, Russia
Russian Federation

K. A. Bahmatova

Faculty of geography and geoecology St-PSU Saint Petersburg, Russia
Russian Federation

Yu. L. Mashkin

Center of ecological design, engineering and innovations (Ltd. CEDEI) Saint Petersburg, Russia
Russian Federation


The study of the spatial distribution of heavy metals in urban soils is very important in order to identify the areas of pollution and assess the ecological state of the urban environment. The present study conducted as a survey of soils in the suburban area of St. Petersburg with a view to identify spatial distribution of several heavy metals and of possible geochemical anomalies. The study of the spatial distribution pollutants was conducted using geographic information system (GIS) technique. The results indicated that soils were significant enriched with lead and copper in the field of research. Spatial distribution maps of total pollution index (Zc), based on GIS моделировании, indicate existence of complex polyelement geochemical anomaly, which is located in a northeast part of the territory of research. We obtained estimates of the area of the spatial distribution of geochemical anomaly. The research results may be helpful for the city government.


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For citation: Ogurtsov A.N., Bahmatova K.A., Mashkin Y.L. CARTOGRAPHIC MODELING AND GIS-ANALYSIS OF THE GEOCHEMICAL ANOMALY OF SOILS URBAN AREA. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2013;19:120–128 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2013-1-19-120-128 (in Russian)