DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2015-1-21-343-347

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About the Author

T. V. Vatlina

Smolensk StateUniversity Smolensk, Russia
Russian Federation


In the studies of medical geography is very important typology of territories, taking into account the different characteristics of public health. The article based on mathematical and cartographic modeling revealed spatial variability characteristics of disease during the observation period for groups of similar areas. Also the effect of environment on health was considered at the regional level.


mathematical and cartographic modeling, GIS-technologies, human health, Smolensk region


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  4. Vatlina T.V., Yevdokimov S.P. Analiz tsifrovoy modeli pochvenno - geograficheskikh usloviy Smolenskoy oblasti pri izuchenii prirodnoochagovykh infektsiy na primere tulyaremii [The analysis of digital model of soil and geographical conditions of Smolensk region at the studying of natural foci infections (on tulyaremiya's example)]. InterCarto. InterGIS–19 "SustainableDevelopment of Territories: GIS TheoryandPracticalExperience". Collection of articles of the International conference. Kursk, 2013. P. 100–105 (in Russian).
  5. Ватлина Т.В., Ковалев Д.В. Геоморфологические предпосылки распространения очагов туляремии в Смоленской области // Известия Смоленского государственного университета, 2014.№ 4. С. 244–252.
  6. Vatlina T.V., Kovalev D.V. Geomorfologicheskiye predposylki rasprostraneniya ochagov tulyaremii v Smolenskoy oblasti [Vatlina T.V., Kovalev D.V.Geomorphologic conditions as a factor of spread of tularemia foci inSmolensk region]. Bulletin of the Smolensk State University. № 4. 2014. P. 244–252 (in Russian).
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For citation: Vatlina T.V. CHARACTERISTICS OF MEDICAL GEOGRAPHICAL SITUATION IN SMOLENSK REGION BASED ON TYPOLOGY OF AREAS. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2015;21:343–347 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2015-1-21-343-347 (in Russian)