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About the Authors
T. A. Vorobyova
Russian Federation
N. N. Mogosova
Russian Federation
During the last 20 years, geographic information systems (GIS) have emerged from the scientific laboratories into the heart of conventional planning practice. GIS has become an important tool to incorporate multiple criteria in planning. A more explicit ecological approach is that examined how natural processes are embedded in cities, and how the interaction between the built environment and natural processes affected economy, health, and human community. GIS can aid in public-policy decisions for more effective allocation of resources for community and economic development, for better-managed community planning and ecology. It provides a common framework location for information from a variety of sources.
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For citation: Vorobyova T.A., Mogosova N.N. ANALYSIS OF URBAN ENVIRONMENT USING GIS. Proceedings of the International conference “InterCarto. InterGIS”. 2013;19:56–62 DOI: 10.24057/2414-9179-2013-1-19-30-40 (in Russian)